#14: Using CLI tools at your job
Welcome! This talk covers how many of the tools and ideas that you have been introduced to can be used in an industrial setting.
These skills have served me well since I first picked up Linux over a decade ago. I’m going to cover 10 overarching themes in this talk, with an emphasis on topics that have received a large amount of interest from course participants. These are:
- CLI Tools and Text Editors
- SSH for System Administration
- Version Control in Industry
- Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Documentation and Project Management
- LaTeX for Industry/Academia
- Web Application Frontends
- Database Design
- Cloud Provider Managed Services
- Cloud Automation Tools (Kubernetes + Terraform)
This is an incredibly broad (and deep) range of topics and some of you may not end up in roles where you can make use of all of them. However, I aim to show that the ways of thinking about problems that have been introduced in this course make it easier to approach new challenges and technologies. While the landscape of software and technology changes very quickly, investment in the core skills that we’ve covered in this lecture series is likely to remain relevant for many years to come:
- The first Bourne Shell appeared on V7 Unix in 1979
- Emacs and Vim both started development in the 1970s
- TeX was originally released in 1978
- Version Control Systems (VCS) have a long history, but Git has been in use since 2005 and is now near-ubiquitous
- It would still be wise to bet on mainframe systems and COBOL being in use for some time yet!
I have been working as a software engineer for over five years now, and prior to this I have been a heavy user of Linux and CLI tools in my academic and personal projects. I am in my final two years of a part time PhD in “Next Generation Railway Track Condition Monitoring” at the University of Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education.
I will be sharing some of the experiences that have helped me in my time working on the projects that have been the focus of the last five years of my life. While many engineers move between projects frequently, I have had the luxury (or curse…) of working on the same projects over a long period of time, which has helped me to build a deep understanding of the systems and processes that I manage. I was also fortunate enough to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Professional exam building on skills I learned on the job.
While I will be relying on my experience, I am going off your feedback for what you are most interested in covering. Based on current polling results, there is most interest in CI/CD tooling, cloud automation and documentation and project management. This makes sense, as these are the areas that are least likely to be encountered until you are working in industry in a team. While there is little interest in frontend development, along with other tools that already been covered on this series, I will briefly touch on my experiences in those topics and how it fits into the overall story.
If you have any feedback or suggestions that you would like to see in these notes, please raise it here!
CLI Tools and Text Editors
Your choice of text editor is likely to be one of the most impactful decisions you make in your career.
While we can all enjoy arguing about which text editor is superior, the most important thing is to allow teams freedom of choice - you should not depend on a specific editor in order to work on your project or do your job. Editors such as Emacs and Vim allow an unlimited amount of customisation to improve your workflow whereas editors such as VSCode and other IDEs tend to be more opinionated in how they are configured.
Regardless of your choice, focus on tools, not editors. Have standard, easily-installable commands to run tasks on the project, such as compiling, linting, testing, and generating documentation.
Many tools that you may wish to use allow project-specific configuration. This can be very useful if you work on a lot of projects. For exmple, you may customise Git configuration to use different SSH or GPG keys, or a different name and email address, for specific projects. Many different ecosystems have a `standard’ project configuration file e.g. package.json for Node.JS, pyproject.toml for Python, Cargo.toml for Rust. These combine with (theoretically) standardised build tools. It is worth researching current best-practices for your chosen language or environment - e.g. uv is gaining momentum in the Python landscape over tools such as Poetry.
Older languages e.g. C, C++ may not have a standardised project configuration file. Many of these tools use build systems like good old-fashioned Make or more modern build systems like CMake or Ninja. Regardless, it is important to document how to perform common tasks in a project to make it easier for people to start working on your project.
I’ve recently had success with multi-platform teams using a cross-platform command runner called Just, which we use to run common commands. For example, for a software project you can have:
- a check command to validate that all dependencies are installed
- an install command to install the software locally
- a test command to run tests against the software
- a build command to compile or package the software
This has replaced Makefiles for a lot of use-cases, as it is relatively simple to make it work on MacOS and Windows as well as Linux. However, Make is still a good choice for running common tasks if you are sure your team will have it installed.
SSH for System Administration
SSH is used for logging in to remote servers, whether they are on your home network, university network or anywhere on the internet (e.g. a Virtual Private Server (VPS) provisioned from a cloud provider).
It allows you to have a shell session on any machine and the flexibility of the Linux / UNIX design philosophy means that there is (usually) no difference between running commands on your local machine or on a server.
Server Management
As you begin to manage servers you may struggle with keeping different operating system versions, installed packages, storage volumes, configuration or custom applications up to date. I recommend being as disciplined as possible in managing your personal servers and any server that you use for work or research.
One useful way to do this is to create custom SSH aliases in your $HOME/.ssh/config
file. This means that you only need to enter ssh myserver
rather than ssh username@long-domain-name-or-ip-address.org
. For example:
Host myserver
Port 22
User myname
When you have multiple servers to manage, this becomes extremely useful. However, it only works with the ssh
command and related commands that use SSH under the hood, such as sftp
, scp
and rsync
Another way of labelling servers requires editing /etc/hosts
. This requires root privileges so you will need to use sudo
. In general, you can avoid editing /etc/hosts
as most of the time you will only be connecting to servers over SSH but there are some cases where you would want to, e.g. hosting websites on a machine on your home network.
Constantly connecting to servers to install updates is a laborious task. You can configure unattended upgrades (see example for Debian) which will keep the system up-to-date with security updates and patches. This is limited, however, as you will be required to reboot the server manually to apply kernel updates and distribution upgrade when required.
Text Editing
Your favourite IDE may allow you to edit files over SSH (e.g. VsCode, Emacs). However, it is often quicker to use terminal tools directly on the server to edit configuration and scripts.
Vi is (pretty much) guaranteed to be on any UNIX server you work with as it is standardised in the Single UNIX Specification. Its keybindings can take some getting used to, and many system administrators may prefer to use Nano (see Lecture 2). However, there will likely come a time when you will need to use vi
to edit a file and you have no alternatives, so it is well worth learning them even if (like me) you prefer Emacs.
The ability to SSH onto a random server and be able to quickly edit configuration files using a program that is basically guaranteed to be present is incredibly powerful!
Securing your Servers
Any computer connected to a network is a vulnerable computer.
You will usually expose port 22 on a remote server to allow SSH connections. It is possible to change the port number exposed by SSH by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#Port 22 # change this line to
Port 54321 # a high-number port
This will significantly reduce the number of malicious attempts to log in, but is an example of security through obscurity and there are more reliable ways to secure your servers. You can still choose to do this and, in combination with custom Port numbers in $HOME/.ssh/config
, it is fairly transparent to your programs.
You should always use SSH keys, which was discussed in
Lecture 2. Many cloud server providers allow you to provide the public SSH key when setting up a server. Unless you have a very good reason not to, I would recommend disabling password login and root login by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password # change to below
PermitRootLogin no # to disable root login via SSH
# ...
# To disable tunnelled clear text passwords, change to no here!
#PasswordAuthentication yes # change to below
PasswordAuthentication no # to disable password authentication (only allowing SSH keypairs)
Ensure that you can log in with the SSH key before doing this!
Firewalls restrict or block certain network traffic based on rules. In Linux, this is done through packet filtering in the kernel and is configured through a standard tool, iptables.
Managing firewalls and networking is a topic of its own, though I would recommend reading Networking for System Administrators if you are interested. A tool exists to simplify the use of iptables: Uncomplicated FireWall (UFW).
UFW allows you to configure iptables via a (relatively) simple frontend. The following commands (note the use of sudo
) enable SSH access on port 22 and disable all other traffic:
sudo ufw default deny incoming # denies incoming connections by default
sudo ufw default allow outgoing # allows outgoing connections by default (usually what you want, unless you are in a heavily regulated environment or if you know which external requests your server needs to make)
sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp # allows port 22 - SSH port
sudo ufw logging on # enables logging
sudo ufw enable # enables firewall and applies the rules
sudo ufw status # displays status of the firewall
There are numerous examples of UFW configurations available online. If you are using Docker and want to expose containers to traffic, I recommend the ufw-docker setup.
Another useful tool for a single-node server is Fail2Ban. This tool monitors server access logs and restricts malicious traffic by setting iptables rules. It can be configured to protect SSH as well as other common services.
Hosting Applications
You have already learned about Docker and Docker Compose in Lecture 8.
It is a powerful tool for deploying applications on single-node servers. In order for these applications to be accessible to the outside world, they need to have ports exposed on the host which, as we discussed earlier, increases the risk from malicious actors.
One way to mitigate this risk (and get TLS encryption for free) is to use a reverse proxy. With docker-compose, it is straightforward to set one up for your application using the nginx-proxy.
When the container is running, any container that has certain environment variables set will have a configuration entry generated for NGINX allowing it to be reached by web traffic on ports 80 and 443. A simple setup might look something like this:
image: nginxproxy/nginx-proxy:latest # choose a specific tag for production
- "80:80"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # NGINX-proxy uses the Docker UNIX Socket to monitor running containers
image: myapp # this can be any image which exposes a HTTP port
VIRTUAL_HOST: "myapp.example.com" # set to the IP address or custom domain name of your server
VIRTUAL_PORT: "8080" # set to the port exposed by your application
In the above example, connections to http://myapp.example.com
will be proxied to the app
You should always Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure connections for any service you deploy on the public internet. This ensures that connections to the server are encrypted with HTTPS.
The acme-companion container can be deployed alongside NGINX-proxy to handle renewal of TLS certificates. For this to work, you will need to have a domain name registered - you can buy domain names from providers such as Gandi for around £10 per year.
ACME-companion handles the issue and renewal of TLS certificates that resolve to the host running the containers. A minimal working example might look like this, given that we have done the following:
- Registered the
domain - Set up an
record which pointsmyapp.example.com
to the IP address of our server - Allowed TCP IPv4 & IPv6 traffic access through ports 80 and 443 on our firewall
- Configured UFW to handle Docker traffic
image: nginxproxy/nginx-proxy:latest # choose a specific tag for production
container_name: nginx-proxy
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # NGINX-proxy uses the Docker UNIX Socket to monitor running containers
- html:/usr/share/nginx/html # this is to serve the ACME challenge
- certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro # this provides the TLS certificates to NGINX to handle SSL termination
network_mode: bridge
image: nginxproxy/acme-companion:latest # choose a specific tag for production
container_name: nginx-proxy-acme
DEFAULT_EMAIL: "myname@example.com" # set to the email address that you have used to register the domain
- nginx-proxy
- /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # acme-companion uses the Docker UNIX Socket to monitor running containers
- certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw # this stores TLS certificates when they are updated
- acme:/etc/acme.sh # stores certificate renewal information
image: myapp # this can be any image which exposes a HTTP port
VIRTUAL_HOST: "myapp.example.com" # set to the IP address or custom domain name of your server
VIRTUAL_PORT: "8080" # set to the port exposed by your application
It is also worth thinking early on about how to back up your application. There are countless ways of doing this, and the simplest may be to use the functionality provided by your server provider. For example, Digital Ocean provide the ability to back up full-disk images for additional cost. However, this means it is not simple to migrate to a different server provider.
Many applications e.g. MariaDB can be directly backed up by compressing the contents of a specific directory to a tarball using the tar
command. This is especially handy when combined with Docker, as the contents of the backup can be restored simply by unarchiving the contents of the file and mounting the directory to the appropriate location on the container. This is more flexible as it allows the data to be easily transferred to a new provider.
Make sure to test your backup restoration process! It is very easy to do this now with Docker, so there really isn’t an excuse.
Server Management (Again)
As applications and organisations scale, managing individual servers can take up a significant amount of time and resources.
A common analogy that you might hear is cattle, not pets. When you are managing a couple of servers it often feels like you are ‘taking care of them’ - ensuring they are kept up to date with package updates, checking up on them etc. These servers are often indispensable as the loss of the server would mean the loss of the application.
Modern cloud-based software engineering treats servers as standardised, low-cost, replaceable nodes. This is frequently abstracted away by Cloud providers (see sections below on cloud managed services and cloud automation) but you can achieve the same effect using server configuration management tools such as Ansible, Puppet or Chef.
I would recommend getting started with Ansible as it is widely used and open-source. Even if you only manage several servers, it can be used to streamline common tasks such as system updates and service configuration.
Version Control in Industry
All of what you have learned about open source development with Git also applies in industry. It is very possible that you will need to work with other Git hosting services such as an industry-managed GitLab instance, Azure DevOps or any “enterprise-y” providers, depending on your workplace, but it is equally likely that you will be using GitHub.
There are a few Git-specific things that I recommend getting used to:
- Rebasing, re-applying changes made on a branch on top of another branch;
- Tags and Releases, annotations on specific commits indicating specific importance
- Hooks, especially the pre-commit hook
Branch Discipline
When you are working on your own projects, you maybe used to committing everything to main
or master
As a project grows in size and complexity it becomes impossible to manage multiple changes to a single branch, especially with more than one developer. This is where branch discipline comes in.
Branches allow parallel work to be done e.g. making a new feature and fixing a bug could be two different branches. The goal should always be eventually merge branches into main and not lose track of work in branches.
Many developers get confused between branches and Pull Requests. The former is a core feature of Git and the latter is a bolt-on from GitHub. Pull requests are a really useful way of keeping track of changes that are made on a branch when you are working on many different branches simultaneously, as they can be associated with a ticket (e.g. a GitHub Issue) and will be clearly visible in the Pull Requests for the repository so others can see them. If you are going to be working on a branch for a long time, I recommend putting it in a pull request early on.
There is debate about how to manage branches (branching strategies; see discussion). This can broadly be summarised as a choice between:
- Always having a
branch that is in a deployable state - Having separate branches for development, features, releases, hotfixes etc.
This really depends on what your project is and how it is deployed or released. For some work projects you may have only one or two environments, in which case maintaining more than one deployable branch is a lot of extra work. Other projects may be deployed in 4+ environments (dev, test, qa, preprod, prod etc.) and may diverge significantly at any one time. For open source projects e.g. Python, it isn’t uncommon to have several currently maintained releases which all have commits added to them! Pick whichever strategy works best for you and your team.
Handling Pull Requests
Whether you are working in a junior or senior role, it is important that everyone knows how to deal with pull requests (or whatever equivalent term your system uses).
There are several things that make this process much easier for everyone:
- Making sure that your branch is rebased on top of the branch you are merging onto
- Making sure that your branch has been squashed to remove small commits e.g. fixing a typo or changing a variable name
- Making sure that your branch uses descriptive commit messages
- Making sure that your branch has passed pre-commit hooks
- Making sure that you have covered everything in the checklist
- Making sure that your branch has been reviewed
Rebasing is one of the most powerful features of Git and it is sadly underused and misunderstood. In my opinion, the best way of using it is within Emacs using the Magit package. Rebasing can get you out of a lot of trouble that you may find yourself in when using Git. (for anything else, there’s git-reflog!) By rebasing your branch when your PR is ready it ensures that all conflicts are dealt with.
Adding lots of commits at once from a branch pollutes the history. You can use Magit to clean up small commits via interactive rebasing, which is helpful for combining tiny changes together. In general, each commit should be a small, easily-reversible change. Ideally a PR should be a single commit, but this isn’t always a good idea. You can also choose to squash commits on merge instead of making a merge commit, but this results in losing information that may be present in the commit message that could be valuable to someone looking through the history later.
Related to this is the need for descriptive commit messages. If you are in control of a project, I recommend reading the Conventional Commits spec and sticking to it. If you are contributing to another project, follow the style that they use - it is better to keep everything consistent, even if you lose out on a standardised approach like Conventional Commits. It is much easier to write descriptive commit messages if you have are making small, idempotent changes.
Another really useful way of standardising Pull Requests is to use pre-commit hooks. These are programs that are run before any commit which can prevent a commit from taking place before they have all run successfully. I recommend installing pre-commit and setting up a .pre-commit-config.yaml
file with standard hooks. There are endless possibilities e.g.:
- Removing trailing whitespace
- Preventing secrets from being committed
- Preventing code from being committed with syntax errors
- Preventing code from being committed with merge conflict markers (
<<<<<<< HEAD
etc.) - Many more possibilities for whichever tools you are using
It is possible to configure templates for pull request which could include a checklist to make sure that the author of the PR has completed necessary tasks. Many open source projects use this to simplify the burden of reviewing PRs by ensuring that they all have completed basic tasks e.g.:
- All tests running successfully
- Relevant updates made to documentation
- Documentation generated successfully
- CI pipelines completed successfully
Finally, it comes to the review. This is the time for a human (or a machine) to give feedback on the changes that are proposed. Many developers hate reviewing Pull Requests or waiting for their PRs to be reviewed, but it is a valuable step to ensure that changes being made are visible and that the author has thought about the wider impact of their changes. It is not a good place to nitpick about indentation, variable naming etc. These should ideally be dealt with before it gets to the review stage, and having a linter and autoformatter (e.g. Ruff for Python) running in pre-commit hooks is a great way to reduce the noise.
How (and when) you decide to publish a release is up to you and your team.
It is possible to configure continuous integration pipelines to generate a
GitHub release on every push to main
in a repository, which may be what you want if you have main
as the deployable branch.
It is worth thinking about how you should name releases, and there are two main options:
- Semantic Versioning or SemVer (e.g.
) - Calendar Versioning or CalVer (e.g.
I personally use both - I prefer SemVer for packages and libraries, where the major / minor / patch version distinction is quite useful, and CalVer for configuration updates. Some projects use flat version numbers with no distinction between major or minor versions - use whichever you feel is most appropriate.
Depending on what sort of software you are creating, a release may be the best way to alert your users to new features or bugfixes. It is important to document the release in non-technical language if possible.
Continuous Integration and Delivery
As software projects scale it becomes increasingly important to check the quality of code that is being committed. Once validated, we may want to automatically deploy it to our uses. This is where Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) enter the picture!
Continuous Integration (CI)
You may already be used to running tests, linters etc. in your local repository (see CLI Tools and Pre-Commit Hooks). While this works well when you have a personal project used by very few people, it does not scale well when you have hundreds of commits and dozens of releases happening a week - it is very easy to forget to run the command and risk pushing code which has significant bugs!
CI automates the process of running common tasks as part of the test and build process. It may include:
- Running unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests etc. (to test for any regression in functionality)
- Running linters and auto-formatters (to check for common language mistakes and ensure consistent code format)
- Running static analysis tools (to validate behaviour without running code e.g. Python type checking with MyPy 1)
- Extracting documentation from source code (to ensure published documentation is up-to-date with source code updates)
- Generation of build artefacts (to ensure that the code is transformed into the desired format, see below
- Creation of OCI container images (to allow the code to be deployed into a runtime environment such as Docker)
There are countless examples of tasks that you might decide to run, and it will depends on what your project is and how it is developed and deployed. For example, see the SQLite3 testing page for how an extremely widely deployed library gets tested. For your projects, it may be sufficient to just run unit tests and generate a package artefact.
How CI is run
Each CI run is typically configured as part of a pipeline (e.g. GitLab). However, there is no standard way of configuring pipelines across CI providers, though many rely on YAML files (with all of the issues this causes!).
Under the hood, any CI provider will execute pipeline tasks in a shell. It will make maintaining and debugging your pipelines much easier if you use locally-runnable components as much as possible - stick to easily composable tasks that can be reproduced locally. I’ve had some success doing this in GitHub Actions using the Just command runner. However, you will almost always need to use some CI provider boilerplate to setup the environment and install dependencies.
Similarly to cloud providers, you have to be wary of vendor lock-in when setting up CI. The more you rely on features from a specific CI provider, the harder it will be to migrate providers in the future. By applying the core principles taught in this cause, you can set up your automations so they are as repeatable as possible which will ease any future rework or migration.
CI Providers
We mentioned GitHub Actions in our previous lecture on open-source development. This is a relatively simple way to get started with CI and CD and it is free for public repositories.
Most CI providers bill by the minute for tasks that they run. This is usually rounded up, so a task that fails within 5 seconds will be billed as a 1 minute task.
I have found the free tier of GitHub actions to be sufficient for the volume of pipelines that we run, even with the limits (2000 minutes per month) that GitHub impose.
Most providers (including GitHub and GitLab) allow use of self-hosted runners. These can typically be run as a Docker container that connects to the CI provider’s API and receives requests to run jobs. These do not incur CI a CI minutes quota, but you are responsible for configuring and maintaining the machines running the runners. If you have spare hardware or a Kubernetes cluster, this can give significant savings and allow running more pipelines.
There are many other providers of CI services. In many organisations, you won’t have any control over which provider you use e.g. heavy users of Microsoft products may mandate use of Azure DevOps Services. Popular CI providers such as CircleCI, Jenkins and Travis CI.
Regardless of provider, you will want to consider the following:
- Options for self-hosting the provider (some e.g. Jenkins are open-source and containerised)
- Integration with version control (most providers have an integration with e.g. GitHub)
- Cost!
Build Artefacts
The key outputs from CI are build artefacts. These could be tarballs of the source code, compiled binary executables or libraries, software packages in different package manager formats, OCI container images, or anything else you can imagine.
We talked briefly about GitHub releases earlier. These are often generated automatically by CI pipelines to include artefacts generated for that specific Git tag. If you have ever downloaded a binary from GitHub for a given version of the package, that binary will likely have been generated using a pipeline and stored as an artefact from that pipeline.
Be aware of the security implications of software delivery artefacts! It is very important that your CI pipelines are correctly configured and secured and that you verify any outputs that are generated e.g. by verifying GitHub artefact attestations, signing binaries etc. Be sure to protect the build process itself from poisoned pipeline execution, as a compromised CI pipeline is a significant risk to your project and those who depend on it.
Validation Stages
Another use case for pipelines is in ensuring that any changed proposed to a project pass quality gates. This helps in streamlining code reviews (see Handling Pull Requests), whereby a project maintainer can refuse to review a patch unless it has e.g. full coverage by unit tests.
Pipelines can also be run conditionally. You may wish to only generate artefacts for code that is pushed to main
, or has been explicitly tagged as a release. When maintaining multiple branches and multiple environments, you can make clever use of pipelines to ensure that required checks are run and, in combination with Continuous Delivery, that the artefacts get deployed in the right places with the right configuration.
Continuous Delivery (CD)
Following the generation of artefacts, your operations team will need to deploy them to live environments. While often a manual task, the automation of this using CD can be used to ensure that changes are deployed in a repeatable and reliable manner.
Implementation of CD follows the same guidelines as that for CI and may often run as part of the same CI tool.
How and When to Automate
`Fully hands-off’ deployments are extremely tempting goals for DevOps teams. Depending on your project, it may (or may not) be desirable to continuously deploy any changes directly to users. This will affect which options you choose for achieving continuous delivery.
Before you start considering options, document your existing deployment process in a runbook. By writing down all of the tasks that you need to do to get code from your Git repo into production, you will have a reference document which describes the whole process and from which you can find low handing fruit for automation.
Always remember: automation of processes is great until it goes wrong and you have to diagnose the issue. This is why it’s equally important to have a robust process to roll back changes.
Simple applications
For some applications, deployment is as simple as changing some environment variables and running docker compose up -d
Running Ansible (see Server Management) in a CD pipeline can be a very effective way of updating one or more servers with simple code changes. Ansible can even be configured on a remote system to automatically pull changes and apply them (see ansible-pull), which can greatly simplify your deployment model.
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)
IaC tools such as Terraform and Kubernetes greatly ease the burden of deploying changes to complex environments, as they are designed for declaratively managing configurations of infrastructure and applications. When run in CD pipelines they can be used for reporting planned changes for human approval (an additional quality gate) before the changes are applied to the live environment.
For more complex applications, IaC tools are very effective when combined with CD pipelines, but you have to very careful in packaging changes incrementally so that you can safely roll back if needed e.g. don’t make simultaneous changes to application code at the same time as deploying an updated infrastructure architecture.
Final Thoughts
There are two trade-offs that I want to leave you with when thinking about CD:
- Deploy Often vs Big Releases
- Deploy during off-periods vs Deploy while team is working
Many projects make a big deal out of large releases with a lot of changes. When releasing directly to end users, you are better off ensuring that you can make small, frequent changes. This agility will give you confidence in your processes and allow you to hone your operational capability.
Once your deployment (and rollback) strategy is battle-tested, you may elect to push deployments back to a quieter time (e.g. during the middle of the night, when all your users are asleep) to minimise disruption. In an ideal world, your users should not even notice when an update is applied or can elect to download the update at their convenience. The old adage `Don’t deploy on Friday’ is often repeated, but with the right mitigations it should be no difference to deploying on any day of the week.
However, no one wants to get called in at 3am!
Documentation and Project Management
In your own personal projects, you may be able to hold all of the information you need in your head or in a simple README file. As projects scale there is more and more information that people need to know in order to get started. Having structured documentation and processes is critical to ensuring that users and potential contributors don’t feel lost, and poor documentation is a huge barrier in adoption of open-source softwar e over proprietary alternatives.
Types of Documentation
All documentation should consider the target audience. Very often we write documentation based on what we would want to see, and we are already intimately familiar with our own project!
I recommend researching frameworks for technical documentation such as Diátaxis / Divio, which breaks down documentation into four main categories:
- Tutorials which target new users or collaborators and are entirely concerned with learning e.g. Writing your first Django app
- How-to Guides which direct users to solve a problem and are entirely concerned with outcomes e.g. How to configure Djano logging
- Process Explanations which explain the way things work and are entirely concerned with understanding e.g. Django design philosophies
- Reference Details which describe what things do and are entirely concerned with information e.g. Django Models field reference
It is very easy to end up only writing Reference Documentation and not write any of the other types, as you already know how to use your project!
Generating and Maintaining Documentation
There are many ways of writing software documentation, but in general it should satisfy the following rules:
- Versioned in source control
- Integrated alongside the code
- Easy to edit so it can be kept up to date
- Publishable to a variety of formats (usually HTML, but you may need to support PDF export)
Many organisations use a managed service to organise their documentation such as Atlassian Confluence. These tend to offer sophisticated web-based editing and integration with other tools (e.g. Jira, see below).
The main issue with proprietary services is vendor lock-in. It may be very difficult to get information back out of a managed service in a format that can be imported to a different service, or checked into version control. This is why I would recommend using plain text formats e.g. Markdown, ReStructured Text, Org-Mode or even HTML. Plain text can be versioned easily using Git, edited using any text editor, and transformed to various output formats.
Publishing of Documentation
It may be sufficient to save .md
or .org
files in a docs/
folder in your repository and share the GitHub links directly with your team and users e.g. Open Source Dev with Git. GitHub renders markdown and other common markup formats automatically.
Another option is to use the built-in Wiki feature of GitHub. This is provided as a Git repository alongside your existing repository, so you have to clone it separately.
For finer control of publishing, you may elect to use a documentation generator. There are many of these, and they sometimes come packaged alongside your programming language e.g. rustdoc for Rust projects.
A documentation generator will generally do some or all of the following:
- Conversion of markdown or similar to HTML pages
- Extraction of docstrings from program source code
- Indexing of pages to allow search
- Connecting pages together using hyperlinks
The static side builder used for this website, Jekyll, is an example of a documentation generator.
I have made extensive use of MkDocs for generating project documentation. There’s lots of extra features (installable as Python packages) which integrate with it:
- mkdocstrings for extracting documentation from source code
- Material for MkDocs for themes and additional Markdown features
- MkDocs Gen Files for automatically generating API documentation from source files
- MkDocs Literate Nav for automatically inferring page navigation
- MkDocs With PDF for exporting documentation to PDF format
You can publish these pages online using GitHub Pages or other static website hosting services such as AWS S3 (see Blob Storage).
Diagrams as Code
Diagrams are incredibly useful tools that help with understanding a project. While you may not always be required to produce a full set of UML diagrams before writing a line of code, keeping a set of diagrams up-to-date with your work is an invaluable part of your documentation.
draw.io / Diagrams.net is a popular choice for diagrams with a vast number of templates installed. For some diagrams, using a visual collaborative editor such as this is essential. However, the tools are usually proprietary, cannot be version-controlled alongside the code and must be updated manually.
An alternative solution which you can use in parallel is to write diagrams as code. There are several different options, but I’m most experienced with these two:
- PlantUML, a Java library which can publish UML diagrams along with a whole host of others
- Mermaid.JS, a JavaScript library which creates flowcharts and other diagrams in a web browser
Both are good for different use-cases. If you know that you will only ever want to view diagrams in a web browser, Mermaid.JS is a good choice. However, in a work environment you will frequently have to publish diagrams in printable formats, and PlantUML is a good choice as it can export to PNG and SVG easily.
PlantUML also has many additional libraries available which you can use for many different use cases:
- C4-PlantUML allows you to create C4 model architecture diagrams easily
- AWS Icons for PlantUML allows you to create Amazon Web Services architecture diagrams using standard logos
- There are also modules for Kubernetes and Azure
You can run these tools in CI pipelines alongside your documentation generation and publishing to ensure that your diagrams are always kept up-to-date!
For bonus points, you can try generating Entity-Relationship Diagrams automatically from your data models, or even automatically producing architecture diagrams from your infrastructure code.
Project Management
For any larger projects it is vital to keep track of work that needs to be done. This usually requires two components:
- An issue / task tracker
- A project plan / backlog
The exact shape of these may vary depending on whether you are using Waterfall or some variation of Agile. This will depend on what sort of company or organisation you are working for - if you are working on extremely safety-critical applications such as defence, energy, aeronautics, you will almost certainly be using some form of Waterfall, whereas web application developers and data scientists frequently follow Agile in some form.
You need tools for tracking bugs and tasks and for planning and allocating work that needs to be done. Many companies use Atlassian Jira for issue and project tracking. You can function well with GitHub Issues and GitHub Projects. A simple spreadsheet may suffice for project planning. Regardless, it is important that everyone is on board with using the tools.
I recommend reading 12 Steps to Better Code which still, 25 years later, serves as a great indication of how well a project will go.
Finally, many organisations have dedicated teams for different concerns e.g. a platform team for maintaining the infrastructure, an architecture team for planning changes, a security team for assessing threats, a testing team for managing software tests. For many projects, this greatly slows down delivery and we are better off resourcing and allowing teams to work independently and communicate. When your team is trusted to work independently, you’ll be better able to deliver what you’ve been asked to deliver and it makes it much easier to deploy constantly.
LaTeX for Industry/Academia
Most of industry (and a lot of academia) is still very reliant on MS Word and Excel documents, and you will almost certaintly not be able to escape them entirely in your career.
However, LaTeX can still be an incredibly valuable tool in both industry and academic work.
In this section I’ll be focusing on non-academic writing use cases for LaTeX. It goes without saying that LaTeX is a great choice for writing journal and conference papers.
Markup Language Conversion
I frequently write documents in a lightweight markup language like Markdown (particularly if I’m writing project documentation) or Org-Mode.
Org-Mode is particularly useful as it can be exported directly to numerous different output formats by entering Ctrl-E
- HTML, which can be directly published to a static website host
- LaTeX, either as a plain
file which a can be pushed to Overleaf or as a PDF file - To many formats via Pandoc
- To many formats via Org-Ref (including bibliographic references)
Pandoc is an incredibly useful CLI tool which can convert between different markup formats.
While it is not perfect, it can be incredibly useful for producing documents, especially if you are required to produce MS Word format. A common use case I have is to write a Python program which outputs Markdown format to standard output, which I can feed directly into Pandoc and produce a Word document or PDF. If your workplace has a consistent document format, you can even customise Pandoc with the --reference-doc
argument to produce a consistently formatted output. Of course, this relies on the reference DOCX document having been created with styles in mind.
LaTeX is also incredibly useful for making presentations and posters:
- The Beamer package can create presentation slides in PDF format
- The Beamer Poster package can create conference posters in PDF format
This makes it very easy to create consistently themed, publication-quality presentation material.
PDF is not an ideal format for those with disabilities. If you want to publish content that is usable by anyone, stick to HTML. Many scientific journals now publish content in HTML format which can easily be read via a screenreader.
Modern tools and formats such as Quarto may resolve these issues eventually!
Web Application Frontends
A lot of software engineering today centres around web development, from online banking and government services to IDEs (VSCode famously uses Electron, which packages an entire web browser).
It is easy to see why, as targeting the browser platform has significant advantages:
- Immediate cross-platform support (browsers run on Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS, with far less incompatibility issues than in the IE6 days)
- No installation required by users (simply visit the website!)
- No need to maintain the underlying platform (users simply need to keep their browsers up-to-date and you don’t need to worry about DLL Hell as with server-client applications)
However, there are also very significant disadvantages:
- Some things are much more difficult to do on the web than with a native GUI framework
- Your users require an internet connection 2
- There are lots of moving parts which need careful testing
The fundamental building block of the web is HTML, though website designers increasingly avoid writing it directly.
We’ve already discussed static site generators in the context of project documentation. Websites generated using these tools generally do not require JavaScript to run and are accessible by default.
An interesting exercise is to install the NoScript extension and browse sites you commonly visit to see how they function without JavaScript enabled. Many are flat-out unusable and just show a blank screen. Always aim to make your sites as usable as possible without JavaScript.
For many projects, you’re going to need JavaScript. Before you reach for your favourite framework (React, Vue, Astro, Vite, Next etc.), first think about whether you need a framework for what you are trying to accomplish. The JavaScript standard library is minimal compared to e.g. Python, but you can accomplish a huge amount with the features you have available by default e.g. Fetch API, DOM API, UI Events etc.
Always be mindful of the overhead to users caused by pulling in another dependency. Adding 200 MiB of React code will increase your page load times significantly and if you don’t need React it can make development a lot simpler.
Keeping web applications simple and boring has great benefits for your project. Complexity can build up very quickly and the easier it is to reason about your project, the better.
Some technologies worth researching:
- TypeScript gives you a lot more confidence that your code will behave as you expect it to
- JSx and htmx may be useful abstractions if you need to manage the dynamic complexity of a Single Page App
Database Design
Databases are critical when building any non-trivial applications, as they allow you to store and persist data in a structured way.
There are many types of databases that you can consider:
- Relational databases store data in tables orientated in rows and columns, and are typically queried using Structured Query Language (e.g. PostgreSQL)
- Key-value stores store arbitrary data in a less structured way, typically underneath keys (e.g. Redis and its alternately-licensed implementations e.g. Valkey)
- Graph databases store data as a series of relationships between nodes (e.g. Neo4J)
- Time Series databases are optimised for managing temporal data (e.g. Prometheus)
- The filesystem is not always thought of as a database, but it can be a very effective one!
- Blob Storage can be used as a database for some use-cases e.g. big data analytics
- There are many other types which may be useful for specialised cases
Depending on your education background and experience, you may have worked with some of these before on either a theoretical or practical level. I’ll focus on practical use-cases for each type of DB and introduce simple one-line commands for running them locally. Many of these databases translate well into the cloud if your project requires.
I won’t be doing into detail on how to use the databases themselves, but you can refer to the reference documentation for:
Relational Databases
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) are what most people will think of when they think about a database.
The most widely installed database (and a candidate for the most widely installed piece of software!) is SQLite3, and many programs will create .db
files on your computer in the SQLite3 format.
It’s easy to get started with by installing the sqlite3
sudo apt install sqlite3 # on ubuntu
sqlite3 # this will drop you into a prompt
sqlite3 /tmp/mydatabase.db # this will open a persistent database file at /tmp/mydatabase.db
For many applications, SQLite3 is more than sufficient and you do not need a full networked database like PostgreSQL. SQLite3 is robustly tested and is relied upon by billions of applications. However, there are several reasons why you might choose Postgres:
- You need to access it over a network (e.g. for cloud deployments)
- You need access to features unsupported by SQLite3 (see key differences)
- You want to use an extension (e.g. PostGIS, TimescaleDB)
You can run PostgreSQL locally using Docker:
docker run --name my-postgres --rm -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=myuser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=generateasecurepassword -e POSTGRES_DB=mydb postgres:latest # switch latest for the version you want to run
docker exec -it my-postgres bash
# to access psql client in the container
SELECT * FROM pg_tables;
The commands above will set up a PostgreSQL instance using the latest version available on Docker hub, available on port 5432 from your local machine. You will then connect to it using the command line client psql and query the system tables using SQL.
Another consideration you may make when deciding on a relational database is whether you want to use an Object Relational Mapping such as SQLAlchemy in Python. This can be a useful abstraction which allows you to support more database implementations e.g. SQLite3 for testing / local deployment and PostgreSQL for cloud deployment, though you will almost always end up writing SQL eventually!
A relational database is often the right tool for:
- Transaction processing, handling queries and updates on a subset of rows filtered by indexed queries
- Join-heavy queries, linking data from different tables together
- Append-heavy workloads, which frequently add data and occasionally query it based on one or more indexed columns
With the right approach and tools, it can also be a good tool for:
- Analytical processing, involving entire columns of data (e.g. DuckDB)
- Geospatial processing, using extensions such as PostGIS and Spatialite
- Many more use-cases with the right extensions!
The RDBMS is a well-established, boring piece of technology, but is often the best choice for a project!
Key-Value Stores
Unlike an RDBMS, key-value databases such as Redis and MongoDB do not require a structured schema.
I am most familiar with Redis, and you can run the latest version locally in Docker:
docker run --name my-redis --rm -d -p 6379:6379 -e redis:latest # switch latest for the version you want to run
docker exec -it my-redis redis-cli # this will give you a command-line interface
set mykey foo
get mykey
The commands above will set up a Redis instance using the latest version available on Docker, available on port 6379 from your local machine. You will then connect to it using the command line client redis-cli and create and query a key.
Key-value stores such as Redis are quite useful for caching commonly accessed data. You can set a Time-to-Live value value on keys that you store, and they will be automatically removed once the timer expires.
Redis supports quite a few data structures, such as lists, hash maps), sets and sorted sets. These structures, along with their associated commands, can be very useful in working around the limitations of key-value stores. However, if you find yourself implementing complex application logic to join data together, you are likely better off with an RDBMS. Also, be aware that it is not possible to expire members of these data structures using TTL values without adding extra logic.
Key-value stores excel when used to store documents or unstructured data, and can also be very useful for rapid prototyping due to their lack of enforced data requirements. A common model is to serialise data to JSON format and store it in the DB.
If used correctly, key-value stores such as Redis can be valuable additions to your toolset.
Graph Databases
Graph databases such as Neo4J excel at representing relationships within data. However, most data that we interact with is in a tabular format, so it often takes some work to put it into a graph database.
They are often the right choice for representing networks e.g. public transport links, workplace hierarchies. If you would need to perform a recursive join to retrieve your data, it would likely be more efficient to use a graph database.
You can run Neo4J locally using Docker:
docker run --name my-neo4j --rm -d -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 neo4j:latest # switch latest for the version you want to run
You can access the database at http://localhost:7474 using the default credentials: neo4j
/ neo4j
Neo4J uses the Cypher language for querying databases. Once you get started you can model arbitrary properties on nodes and relations between nodes, query based on those properties, as well as running algorithms such as breadth-first and depth-first search.
For the right use-cases, graph databases are excellent tools.
Time Series Databases
Time series databases (TSDBs) maintain their records alongside a temporal key, usually a timestamp, and are optimised for querying based on this timestamp.
Good use-cases include:
- Storing high volumes of sensor data from remote condition monitoring
- Storing metrics from instrumented code using client libraries e.g. for Python
- Analysis of transactions e.g. event logs
You can run Prometheus, a metrics database, locally using Docker:
docker run --name my-prometheus --rm -d -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus:latest # switch latest for the version you want to run
The UI is available at http://localhost:9090.
Metrics databases are typically deployed alongside dashboarding tools such as Grafana to visualise and alert on values of the metrics.
While metrics is a good use case on its own, TSDBs are likely to be best-in-class for any workload where time is the field most often inserted or queried on. Other TSDBs include:
- TimescaleDB, built as a PostgreSQL extension
- InfluxDB, a standalone TSDB
Final Thoughts
As a backend developer, your choice of database is just as important as your choice of programming language. Ensure that you pick the right tools for the job, and remember: boring is often better!
Cloud Provider Managed Services
Increasingly, organisations are purchasing compute from cloud providers instead of maintaining their own physical servers.
This is almost always more expensive than self-hosting, and you may well choose to pick free or cheap options for your own projects, such as GitHub or GitLab Pages (free static web hosting), Hetzner (cheap VPS offerings) or Backblaze B2 (cheap blob storage compatible with S3 protocol). However, most reasons organisations choose cloud providers have little to do with price and more to do with compliance, support and compatibility with their existing IT estate.
In this section I’ll talk about the following cloud providers, though there are many more that you can try:
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud (GCloud)
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Hetzner
- DigitalOcean
- Cloudflare
Standard Offerings
Most cloud providers will provide the following:
- Some form of Virtual Private Server (AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines, DigitalOcean Droplet, GCloud VPS, Hetzner VPS, Oracle VM)
- Some sort of private networking (AWS VPC, Azure VNET, Digital Ocean VPC, GCloud VPC, Hetzner Network , Oracle VCN)
- A managed block storage for VPS filesystems (AWS EBS, Azure Disk Storage, DigitalOcean ??, GCloud ??, Hetzner ??, Oracle ??)
These all mirror the networking, compute and filesystem configurations that you could expect from an on-premises data centre (though there is significant variability between providers, e.g. Azure VNET compared with AWS VPC). Be sure to follow best-practices for whichever cloud provider you are using, as it will save you headaches in the future!
These services may well be sufficient for your applications, but there are some other managed services that you may want to consider.
Blob Storage
On Linux and UNIX machines, you may be used to block storage as the basis for filesystems (accessed through commands like lsblk
, blkid
and mount
Many cloud providers offer blob storage as a service. The most well-known example of this is AWS S3. Blob storage allows applications to store and retrieve any kind of data over a standard API. It is an excellent choice for backups and for hosting static websites, though frequently accessed, low-latency data should still be stored on a filesystem.
Blob storage providers offer other features, such as automatic expiration, cycling to lower-cost longer term storage, versioning and encryption-at-rest. Amazon offers an insane 11 nines (99.999999999%) of durability guarantee for data stored in blob storage due to the amount of redundancy they employ, yet it is still very low-cost for storing gigabytes or terabytes of data.
Other cloud providers offer similar services:
- Azure Blob Storage
- Google Cloud Storage
- DigitalOcean Spaces
- Backblaze B2
- Hetzner Object Storage
- OCI Object Storage
- Cloudflare R2
Again, be aware of possible vendor lock-in when integrating closely with managed blob storage services, though many provide an S3-compatible API. The biggest factor in migration from one provider is likely to be fees for exporting or importing data.
Content Delivery
A useful managed service which integrates well with blob storage is a content delivery network (CDN). It is fundamentally a distributed set of servers spread across many data centres in different geographical locations, which speeds up access to content that it fronts e.g. a static website.
While building your own CDN is very difficult and expensive, cloud providers offer these as services. Here are some examples available from popular cloud providers:
Another significant advantage of a CDN is the protection that it can give you from malicious attacks, with support for validating HTTP requests, load balancing and origin failover. It can be combined with a firewall for further protection of your network. You can leverage a CDN even if you aren’t using cloud services, and it can ultimately reduce costs especially if your cloud provider charges for egress.
Managed Databases
Many of the types of database discussed in database design are offered directly as managed services.
Cloud providers frequently offer multiple different RDBMS instances e.g. AWS Relational Database Service offers PostgreSQL and MariadDB along with MySQL, Oracle and Db2. Some even offer serverless instances e.g. Aurora PostgreSQL which can free you from the limitations of a single-node database but potentially incur higher costs based on your use-cases.
If you are using an RDBMS, another consideration you may make are the expected workloads that you are running. A transaction-based workload is better suited to e.g. AWS RDS whereas an analytical workload would run better on AWS Redshift.
Managed databases are often worth the extra cost as it removes much of the burden of administrating, updating and backing up the database. By relying on an open-source engine such as PostgreSQL, you can reduce impact of migrations as it will most likely work on a different managed service or on-premises instance with minimal code changes. However, be aware that extensions can be difficult or impossible to install on managed database services.
Serverless Compute
If you have written code that needs to run very infrequently or handle very few requests, you may wish to avoid paying for an expensive always-on VPS.
Different providers give different names to this service e.g. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, GCloud Functions. They are all functionally the same: you write code in a language e.g. Python and upload it to their service, and the code runs when it is triggered, which could be from:
- upload of a file to blob storage
- a web request being received
- on a schedule similar to Cron
- many other things!
They are worth considering depending on how frequently they will be called, and have some other useful features e.g. integration with CDNs.
Container Runtimes
Many applications that you build will run in containers, and most cloud providers offer ways to run containers without having to manage your own servers directly e.g.:
They generally aim to be simple and developer friendly, however are another example of vendor lock-in, as it is difficult to migrate directly to another cloud provider’s service. To avoid this, I recommend using a managed Kubernetes service which provides almost identical APIs across different cloud providers. I’ll discuss Kubernetes towards the end of these notes.
Everything else
There’s a lot more to cover on the many different services available from cloud providers. There are countless specialised services for everything from real-time gaming, to machine learning, to search and indexing.
I’ve introduced what I believe to be core, provider-agnostic services that you may wish to utilise in your work. Remember that the more cloud services that are used, the harder a migration will be - using open-source cores e.g. PostgreSQL and Kubernetes as much as possible simplifies any future migration immensely!
Cloud Automation Tools
CLI for Cloud
The “cloud” is a huge layer of complexity which supposedly aims to make complicated topics (networking, system administration, database administration, etc.) accessible to anyone with a web browser!
Fortunately, if you ever have to work with cloud provider services there are plenty of command line tools at your disposal:
- AWS CLI (Amazon Web Services)
- Azure CLI (Microsoft Azure)
- gcloud CLI (Google Cloud)
- doctl (Digital Ocean)
- hcloud CLI (Hetzner Cloud)
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI (Oracle Cloud)
JSON as an exchange format
Most of these tools output quite a lot of data and have generally standardised on JSON as an data exchange format. You may be familiar with JavaScript Object Notation if you have done any work with JavaScript in the past.
There are many tools available for working with JSON on the command-line. The most popular by far is JQ and many scripts interacting with the output of cloud CLI tools will assume the use of it, however the syntax can be cumbersome and unintuitive.
Example: Reporting on a fleet of AWS EC2 instances (virtual machines in Amazon Web Services).
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.Reservations[0] | keys'
Infrastructure as Code
While the individual CLI tools can be used to create and manage resources, it is still difficult to keep track of everything that is created and how it was configured. Ideally, we would be able to keep track of our infrastructure and control which changes are made and by whom. As we are already doing this with our code, we can leverage Git to keep track of our cloud deployments - which also gives us collaboration and versioning for free!
Cloud infrastructure automation tends to work something like this:
- Declare what you want your infrastructure to look like in a text configuration format
- Validate your configuration against the live cloud environment to list resources to be provisioned
- Commit to provisioning the resources, incurring costs on your cloud provider account
- Store the state of the provisioned resources for later use
- Any future changes are compared with the current state so that resources can be modified rather than deleted and re-created
Several cloud providers provide a tightly-integrated service which can do the above:
- CloudFormation (Amazon Web Services)
- Bicep (Microsoft Azure)
However, these tools are tightly coupled to the cloud platforms that provide them. Another common theme in this talk is to beware vendor lock-in! While we may decide to commit to using a particular cloud provider, if we work in a vendor-agnostic configuration language we can potentially save ourselves headaches down the line if we have to migrate e.g. from Azure, to AWS, then back to Azure (I have had to do exactly this).
There are many different Infrastructure-as-Code tools available but I will be focusing on one - Terraform, created by HashiCorp.
Terraform and OpenTofu
Terraform is a configuration language and application for managing the state of resources. A resource could mean a cloud server, a Docker container, a managed database service, or anything that you can think of which has a state! There are over 30 official providers listed on the official Hashicorp Terraform registry which cover major cloud platforms and there are numerous third-party providers as well which cover a multitude of cloud and local services.
One major advantage of Terraform is the configuration language used, Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL). Many cloud providers rely on either GUI-based or YAML/JSON-based configuration methods. By contrast, HCL is a fully-feature programming language with support for functions, input variables, modules and dynamic / conditional blocks.
The following example defines an EC2 instance (a VPS in AWS) with a predefined Amazon Machine Image (AMI) set to Ubuntu 24.04 (see AMI Image Locator for an index of AMIs). Many more parameters can be set depending on what configuration you wish to achieve, for example: deploying the instance in a specific subnet, attaching storage devices, or setting up monitoring.
# Define an AWS EC2 instance
resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
ami = "ami-091f18e98bc129c4e" # 24.04 LTS in eu-west-2 on AMD64
instance_type = "t2.micro"
If you are interested in trying out Terraform without paying for cloud resources, you can try out some communityproviders such as kreuzwerker/docker for managing Docker container images and running containers, or integrations/github for managing GitHub repositories and CI pipelines.
Another valuable feature of Terraform for cloud automation is data sources, which allows you to refer to resources defined elsewhere - either in your own Terraform configurations or from environments that aren’t managed by Terraform. This can be very useful when your infrastructure becomes more complex! For example, you can pull configuration from your GitHub repository using the integrations/github provider:
# Define the source repository and file
data "github_repository" "repo" {
full_name = "afnom/missing-semester"
data "github_repository_file" "logo" {
repository = data.github_repository.repo.name
branch = "master" # this could be changed to a specific tag or commit hash
file = "favicon-32x32.png"
module "webapp" {
# This module doesn't exist, but it could be implemented for e.g. configuring a webapp dynamically
# by providing a configuration file or (in this case) a PNG logo
source = "/path/to/webapp/module/"
png_logo_base64 = b64encode(data.github_repository_file.log.content)
When you start thinking about using the Cloud, it will often be because the deployment options (e.g. containers using docker-compose) for your software have limitations. You may struggle with managing individual servers, even with automation tools such as Ansible, or may have requirements on fault-tolerance, such as keeping your systems running during data centre outages or server failure. You may wish to scale your application to handle increased demands from users during especially busy periods, or even scale your entire infrastructure to save money during periods of downtime.
While many tools are available from cloud providers which can allow you to achieve this, you may wish to avoid vendor lock-in and choose open-source tools by default. Fortunately, there is a cloud-native, open-source platform for orchestrating containers, and that is Kubernetes.
Why (or why not) use Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is infamously complex, which makes it difficult to approach. It is notorious for being used in overengineering unnecessarily complicated solutions where a simpler solution may be just as effective and easier to maintain, as well often featuring in CV-driven development, where a technology stack is chosen for the benefit of an engineer’s career longevity rather than for a product’s longevity. Furthermore, it is not a ‘magic bullet’ for cloud migrations!

The complexity of Kubernetes is by design, allowing it to be (simultaneously) extremely flexible and adaptable as well as extremely standardised. There are innumerable options for running Kubernetes and you can use the same tool, kubectl, to interact with all of them. You can even use Terraform to manage Kubernetes resources which I have done extensively and found numerous benefits, or use other tools built on Kubernetes such as OpenShift.
Core Concepts
Docker has the concepts of images and containers (see the lecture notes on virtualisation). Terraform has the concepts of resources and data sources.
Kubernetes refers to different types of units that it manages as kinds. A kind is a type of resource that can be deployed on (and managed by) Kubernetes.
A given installation of Kubernetes is called a cluster and it consists of one or more nodes. A Node is a Kind in Kubernetes, just like all of the different Kinds discussed below! A locally deployed cluster will only have a single node, but clusters can be comprised of multiple nodes. A Node is a single physical or virtual machine, usually equivalent to a single instance of a VPS in a cloud provider e.g. EC2 instance in AWS or Droplet in DigitalOcean.
Running Containers
Like Docker, Kubernetes works with OCI container images. The minimum deployable unit for a container image is called a Pod. Unlike Docker, the minimum deployable unit can include one or more containers 3.
It is unusual to declare Pods directly. For most applications, you will work with Kinds that can be used to manage one or more pods: Deployments, Stateful Sets, Daemon Sets and (Cron) Jobs.
Deployments are where the scaling features of Kubernetes begin to appear. They allow a desired number of pods to be declared and managed automatically. This should generally be considered as the default option for deploying a container, as it can be scaled to one or more instances of the container both manually and automatically, and can be scaled down to zero to switch it off.
When a persistent state is required, you can use StatefulSets. These are similar to Deployments in that they both manage a group of pods, but these are designed for persisting data. If you deploy databases or other applications that require persistent storage onto Kubernetes, you will typically configure them as StatefulSets. Do note that it is considered best-practice to deploy stateful resources outside of Kubernetes (e.g. using Cloud Managed Services) though there may be good reasons to ignore this: cost, simplicity of deployment (e.g. for local development environments) or lack of support for a particular service.
The other Kinds are more specialised. DaemonSets ensure that a pod runs on every node in the cluster. This is essential for many system services required for the operation of the Kubernetes cluster. The first DaemonSet I configured myself was NGINX for exposing containers to the network - it must run on every node in order to route to containers on that node.
Jobs are Pods which are used to run one-off tasks to completion. They can handle failure, restarting until the task is completed. CronJobs behave identically to Linux cron
jobs and are used to schedule regularly occurring jobs such as batch data ingestion or backups.
Communicating with Containers
The Kinds discussed previously all relate to running containers. Many applications require containers to talk to each other e.g. a Java application may need to communicate with a MySQL database.
The primary way to make a pod reachable is to configure a Service. A Service provides a cluster-specific network address which can be used to reach the pods in a given grouping (usually a single Deployment, DaemonSet or StatefulSet). There are various different types - for most uses, you will configure the service as ClusterIP
Services can expose different port numbers on target pods. For example, one webapp container may expose port 8080 for web traffic and another may expose port 5000. The two Services defined for these webapp containers can both expose port 80 (the standard HTTP port) in both cases, simplifying the configuration for applications which talk to these containers.
All Kinds discussed so far (apart from cluster-wide objects such as Nodes) can be namespaced. A Namespace is a logical isolation of resources (pods, deployments, services etc.) within a cluster. This can be used for separating environments from one another e.g. different teams, different applications or different stages (development, testing). By default, resources are created in the default
namespace. It is recommended to not use the default namespace.
By combining namespaces with services, it is possible to address resources anywhere in the cluster. For example, a service named my-app
in the my-namespace
namespace can be resolved (within the cluster) from the following domain name: my-app.namespace.svc.cluster.local
. Kubernetes distributions typically deploy DNS providers such as CoreDNS as part of the installation process, which allows containers to resolve internal domain names.
In order to reach a Service or its target Pods(s) from outside the cluster, it must be exposed in some way. There are three main options:
- Port-forwarding (exposing a port on a host running
, typically used for local or development environments) - Configuring a Service of Type LoadBalancer (requires a cloud provider which can automatically provision Load Balancers e.g. AWS, Azure)
- Configuring an Ingress (requires an Ingress Controller DaemonSet e.g. NGINX to reverse-proxy traffic into the cluster)
This is where your configuration will vary significantly depending on the rest of your architecture. Many Kubernetes distributions e.g. AWS EKS and Azure AKS integrate tightly with other managed offering such as load balancers, API gateways, enterprise firewalls and content delivery networks. A significant amount of bespoke configuration can be necessary to take full advantage of these services.
It is possible to expose your Services to the outside world in a vendor-agnostic way using Ingress resources. These require an Ingress Controller to be deployed on the cluster as a DaemonSet, and allow networking rules to be configured which expore Services on given URLs and paths. This can be combined with cluster-wide addons such as cert-manager for automatically provisioning TLS certificates and OAuth2-Proxy for authenticating users against OIDC-compliant providers such as Google or Microsoft Entra ID.
For local development it is often simpler to ignore ingress configuration and directly expose ports on containers using port-forwarding, which we’ll touch on in a later section.
Choosing a Distribution
There are numerous Kubernetes distributions available. Most of the Kinds we have already discussed should work on any distribution, and you are most likely to run into issues when dealing with PersistentVolumes and Ingresses. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of Kubernetes distributions:
- Minikube is a local Kubernetes distribution targeting Windows, macOS and Linux
- Docker-Desktop includes a Kubernetes environment suitable for local testing on Windows, macOS or Linux
- Kubernetes in Docker (KinD) is another local Kubernetes environment supporting all three OS’es
- K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution intended for resource-constrained environments
- Kubeadm is the official tool for creating Kubernetes clusters
- Azure AKS is Microsoft Azure’s managed Kubernetes offering
- AWS EKS is Amazon Web Services’ managed Kubernetes offering
- Google Kubernetes Engine is Google Cloud’s managed Kubernetes offering
- Digital Ocean Managed Kubernetes
- Other offerings from Oracle, Linode, IBM and Alibaba
If you are using Linux, I would recommend using K3s as it is simple to set up and extremely lightweight. If you are in a team using Windows and macOS, I would recommend minikube. Otherwise, I would use whichever managed Kubernetes service your cloud provider offers.
Packages (Helm + Arkade)
Kubernetes has a package manager, Helm, which can be used to install applications and manage version upgrades. It is a handy way of installing stateful applications, as it automatically creates all of the different kinds of resources e.g. StatefulSets, Services, Secrets, Ingresses based on configuration in a values file.
Packages are provided as charts (yet another piece of nautical terminology!). You can download charts from numerous different repositories provided by organisations like Bitnami.
For example, installing PostgreSQL using a Bitnami chart:
helm install my-postgres oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/postgresql
Be aware of the tradeoffs when installing stateful application on Kubernetes, as management of Persistent Volumes is extremely distribution-specific. You will likely find it easier to install Helm charts on cloud-managed K3s distributions which have default storage providers than to install them on a local Kubernetes distribution where you have to configure the storage providers yourself. In my experience, this is one of the biggest learning curves of Kubernetes.
A useful tool for getting started with Kubernetes-native tools and applications is arkade. It allows you to quickly install Kubernetes distributions and CLI tools on your machine / in CI as well as installing applications onto your Kubernetes cluster(s).
There are many useful applications that can be installed on Kubernetes - here is a few that I’ve found useful:
- cert-manager for automatically provisioning TLS certificates from LetsEncrypt
- Grafana for viewing monitoring and observability dashboards
- ingress-nginx for provisioning Ingress resources using NGINX as a reverse proxy
- inlets-operator for exposing local K3s distros (behind NAT) over public cloud Load Balancers
- Prometheus for collecting metrics from instrumented application code
Like many cloud-native tools, Kubernetes is primarily configured using YAML, an indentation-based markup language. As many of you may have found with Python, indentation makes it very difficult to automatically format code, as the indentation is important for control flow.
Furthermore, tools like Helm rely on templated YAML whereby the file is further complicated by adding lots of `` syntax.
There are many ways of declaring Kubernetes resources without having to write YAML. I have personally found success using Terraform which has Kubernetes and Helm providers. This means that you can standardise your infrastructure and application code with linters and vulnerability scanners.
Concluding Remarks
When I started writing these notes, I didn’t expect it to fill quite this much space! The world of systems and software engineering is endlessly diverse and changes constantly. Large Language Models may be the current hot-topic, but once upon a time it was Kubernetes, Blockchain, ASP.net, Turbo Pascal, etc.
Whatever the future looks like, you will likely set yourselves up for a productive career in technology by:
- Getting proficient with the right tools for the job
- Prioritising open-source standards and code
- Finding projects that interest you!
For some compiled languages e.g. Rust, the compilation process is a form of static analysis, whereas interpreted language such as Python need separate tools for this. ↩
This can be worked around using e.g. LocalStorage, IndexedDB, Service Workers, but these are far more convoluted solutions than building a native application ↩
When getting started with Kubernetes, you will likely only be deploying pods with a single container. You may wish to use multiple containers for e.g. initialising some shared resources needed by a container (see init containers, or for exporting metrics or other data from a running container (see sidecar containers. ↩
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